The Voluntary Short-Term Disability (VSTD) plan is self-funded by SMART and administered by Southern Benefits Administrators, Inc.

The SMART short term disability plan provides a basic “safety net” of coverage for SMART TD members and was designed to work in combination with Railroad Retirement sickness benefits.

The maximum weekly VSTD benefit will increase from $400 to $450 effective January 1, 2017.

The plan provides 24-hour coverage, seven days a week, for accidents and sickness. The 24/7 coverage means on- and off-duty coverage for accidents and sickness.

The cost is $34.50 per month and is collected through payroll deduction.

The Elimination Period for Rail Members, which is the waiting period between the first day of a disability and the date benefits actually begin, will be reduced from 30 days to 21 days (benefits will begin on the 22nd day of disability).

New SMART TD members will be enrolled automatically unless they choose to opt-out of the plan by submitting a waiver form to SMART TD headquarters.

Effective with all claims incurred January 1, 2018, direct deposit of your disability payments into your bank account is mandatory. Please be sure to complete the authorization for automatic transfer that is attached to your application to avoid delay of your payments. A copy of this authorization is attached to the VSTD claim form below.

Members desiring additional disability insurance coverage may purchase an individual policy through the UTU Insurance Association. Contact your field supervisor or call the UTUIA Sales Department at (216) 228-9400 for more information.

You may view the various plan documents by Southern Benefit Administrators by clicking on the links below.

If you have any additional questions, please contact your Regional Field Supervisor here.


SMART Transportation Division has partnered with MetLife to bring our Rail and Bus members the most comprehensive and cost-effective Voluntary Long-Term Disability plans.

VLTD insurance helps you protect your income if you suddenly have to stop working due to an accident or illness. VLTD helps ensure that you can continue paying your bills and provide for your family if you are unable to work due to an accident or illness.

Rail members can select one of two plan options when enrolling:

60% Option – Allows rail members to purchase coverage after a 238-day elimination period, and offers a monthly benefit of 60 percent of salary (up to a maximum benefit of $7,000). Cost for Part “B”: $73.88 per month.

50% Option – Allows rail members to purchase coverage after a 238-day elimination period, and offers a monthly benefit of 50 percent of salary (up to a maximum benefit of $7,000). Cost for Part “A”: $51.63 per month.

Need help deciding how much is right for you?

A good rule of thumb is to buy enough VLTD to cover your essential monthly expenses (e.g., mortgage, food, utilities and car payments). For most people, that is 60-80 percent of their income. To determine your specific needs, use the calculator tool available below.

Enroll Today

Missed the open enrollment period? You can still enroll via late entry. Read our Late Entry Letter for instructions on how to enroll. Make sure you fill out the Late Entrant Form below and mail it to SMART TD headquarters. Also, fill out the Statement of Health Form and mail it to MetLife.

For plan related questions or inquiries,
please contact
MetLife Customer Service at


****Members who have VLTD (long-term coverage only) – should contact MetLife at the number referenced above to file a claim and receive the claim acknowledgment packet after six months into the 238-day elimination period. If you are currently enrolled in the VSTD plan there is no need to contact MetLife directly, as your claim will be initiated by Southern Benefits (VSTD) prior to the exhaustion of your short-term benefits.