SMART Discipline Income Protection Program: It Pays.
What benefits are paid? You choose the level of benefits you want, from $6 to $200 per day, all at low monthly assessments. The term of benefits, from 200 to 365 days, depends on how long you have been enrolled in the program.
Who sponsors the program? SMART sponsors the Discipline Income Protection Program.
Who is eligible for coverage? SMART Transportation Division members in the U.S. may enroll as members on a voluntary basis.
How do I join? In the U.S., contact your field supervisor or local insurance representative for details, or write to:
Discipline Income Protection Program
SMART Transportation Division
24950 Country Club Blvd., Ste. 340
North Olmsted, Ohio 44070-5333
More information? If you would like more information about the SMART Discipline Income Protection Program, send requests to the email address below:
Benefits schedule: If you would like to view the Discipline Income Protection Program’s schedule of benefits, click on the link below:
Schedule of maximum benefits
Discipline Income Protection Plan summary plan description
DIPP Summary of Material Modifications
This is only a brief description of the Discipline Income Protection Program. The program is governed only by the terms of the official plan document. If there is any conflict between this description and the official plan document or between the official plan document and any statement by any person (including a SMART employee or representative), the plan document will govern.
Application: To download an application or claim form for the Discipline Income Protection Program, click on the links below:
SMART Transportation Division Discipline Income Protection Program application
SMART Transportation Division Discipline Income Protection Program claim form
SMART Transportation Division Discipline Income Protection Program authorization for automatic transfers